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Year 2

Hello Year 2!

It's going to be a year to remember!

Meet the team

Year Group lead - Mrs Hussain (Humanities lead)

Teachers -

Kittiwake: Mrs Thompson

Kestrel: Mrs Goodchild- Wood

Kingfisher: Mrs Hussain

Kinglet: Mrs Rashid

Support Staff -

Mrs Tahira, Ms Romaisa, Ms Hamana, Ms Rashida, Mr Gabe (South), Mrs Shazia ( South) 

Key events for the term:

1st October - North site phonics workshop 9am-9.30am

3rd October - National Poetry Day

W/C 7th October - National Libraries Week

8th October - 2nd phonics workshop on north site from 9am-10am

10th October - World Mental Health Day

14th October - Individual and sibling photos

29th October - 3rd phonics workshop on north site from 9am-10am

30th October - Halloween discos

7th November - Book fair on north site / part 1 phonics workshop/ parent meetings on south site 

8th November - Book fair on North site / Remembrance Day wear something red


Children must come into school in their PE kits on the days that they have PE. 

Kittiwake: Monday and Tuesday

Kestrel: Tuesday and Wednesday

Kingfisher: Tuesday and Thursday

Kinglet: Tuesday and Thursday

Library Bus

Children will be able to swap their library bus book once a week.  

Kittiwake: Wednesday

Kestrel: Wednesday

Kingfisher: Thursday

Kinglet: Thursday