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Chaffinch's Home Learning 5.5-17.5

These are some pictures of Chaffinch's home learning.

Chaffinches please send your home learning to so it can be shared on this page. 

Miss Conroy and MIss Syeda

Image result for chaffinch



Congratulations Chaffinch we won this week's competition. 

Special house points to Adam, Saim and James who won over 1,000 points and to Dawid and Rayan who won more than 5,000. 

Well done to those of you who have been loggin into Bug Club and reading. Remember that if you click on the little bugs, there are questions for you to answer. 


Rayan used speech and thought bubbles. He wrote his interview and completed sequences. 

Abdullah researched adn wrote about Neil Armstrong and used place value columns to add tens. 

Angelica used speech and thought bubbles and completed sequences. She also planted tomatoes and potatoes. 

Raya researched and wrote about Neil Armstrong and used French adjectives. She also did her interview and used speech and thought bubbles. Raya investigated the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, used place value columns to add tens and completed sequences.  She also did some artwork and drew a 3D hand. 

Adam used sharing circles to divide and also used suffixes. 


We're experiencing a few problems with AR at the moment. If you are having problems logging in, we will get it sorted as soon as possible. Until then, you can read books online on Bug Club and the readon website and practise your TTRockstars. 

Raya made a balloon powered car and a flower pattern. She continued 3D shape patterns and practised her handwriting and using commas. 

Amelia researched Christopher Columbus and adding tens using place value columns. 

Angelica made patterns and practised her handwriting. She did her interview and identified the parts of flowers that we eat. She practised her spellings, using commas correctly and adding tens using her place value columns. 

Muhammad Mahir drew and looked at the properties of 3D shapes, patterns and adding tens using place value columns. 

Saim practised column addition and subtraction and how to spell numbers. He also wrote a letter to Adam. 

Uzair wrote a letter to Bilal and created an NHS poster. 

Rayan used his 3 and 4 times tables to show his understanding of the relationship between division and subtraction. He found fractions of numbers and added tens to numbers using place value columns. Rayan also sequenced and learnt about the properties of 3D shapes. He also investigated the parts of flowers we eat and the life of Neil Armstrong. Rayan wrote a zoo poem and an adverb alphabet. He used homophones and commas in sentences. 


Uzair created a wonderful VE Day poster, practised his spellings and how to spell numbers. He also identified the times shown by analogue clock faces and added and converted money. 

Saim researched owls and their adaptations. He then wrote about them using question marks and commas. 


Congratulations Chaffinch - we won this week's TTRockstars competition. 

Well done to Dawid, Adam and James who all won more than 1,000 points for us. 

This week' competition has already started. 

Super work to those of you who have been reading some of your bug club books.

Remember that if you click on the bug there will be questions for you to answer. 

Well done to everybody who logged into AR and completed tests. Everyone who logged in completed more than one test this week. Well done!

Chaffinch has read and passed a total of 1,285 books with a total of 1,375,124 words this year. 




Today is the Bank Holiday on which we are remembering VE Day. Why don't you practise your makaton by learning this VE Day song. 


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Raya has created an adverb alphabet and some NHS medals. 

Angelica created an NHS medal and an adverb alphabet. 


Raya has been practising her French colours and made a thaumatrope and did some painting. She used homophones in sentences and questions and has practised her four multiplication and division calculations with the 5 times tables. 

Abdullah wrote sentences using homophones and used espresso to practise his number understanding. 

Amelia wrote a descriptive zoo poem and used her 3 times tables to show her understanding of the four calculations. 

Shameer has showed his understanding of shapes, measurement, number bonds and sequences and contractions with apostrophes. 

Ciara made a thaumatrope and done some artwork form the book You Choose. She also practised her spellings, column addition and subtraction and showed her understanding of the four calculations of each multiplication or division. 

Uzair has been doing spellings and has exploring nature. 

Muhammad Mahir practised using homophones correctly, wrote a zoo poem and an adverb alphabets. He also looked at the relationship between multiplication and division. 


Well done to Dawid, Adam, Rayan, Saim, Raya, Mellissa, Angelica, Iman and Ciara who have earned points in our TTRockstars battle against Cuckoo. 

Dawid and Adam have both earned over 1,000! Well done!!!

James wrote a letter to Muhammad Mahir. 

Saim wrote a story about Princess Belle and a sparkling blue sea. 

Shameer practised reading and writing numbers. 

Angelica has practised finding fractions of numbers using division sharing and showed her understanding of multiplication and division being opposites. She also wrote a descriptive poem about the zoo. 

Adam practised identifying greater and less than numbers, finding one/ two/ ten/ twenty more and less and found fractions of numbers. He also practised his spellings and learned the plural rule for y. 

Raya used the bar model to find fractions of numbers adn practised this week's handwriting. 

Abdullah practised column subtraction and the three multiplication and division tables. 

Abdullah and Raya also did our what animal is this descriptions. Can you guess the animals? 


Last week I was in school with the children of our key workers and I have really enjoyed catching up on all your emails and seeing the work you have done. 

Raya sent an amazing amount of work this week. She's been practising her number bonds, spelling numbers as words, column addition and subtraction, multiplication adn division nad finding fractions as numbers. Raya has been practising the spellings of lots of words, writing an Elsa character description and doing the alphabet hunt. She has also been making aeroplanes and painting rainbows. 

Muhammad Mahir has been making Ramadan decorations. He has been playing dice games to practise his number bonds and practise column addition. Muhammad Mahir has corrected spelling and punctuation errors in the General Election passage, written a letter to James and a character description of Leo from The Main Event. 

Ciara created a timeline of her life and wrote and recorded herself reading a story about a witch. 

Uzair has reviewed our Science learning about food chains, predator and prey, the adaptations of animals and the classification of animals. He has also practised his handwriting, spelling rules, rhyme and has written a detailed rainforest information text. Uzair has baked cupcakes, identified plants and identified their features and created an Earth Day poster. 

Shameer has been ordering numbers, practising his mental addition and calculating with money. He has also been practising our spellings, homographs and alphabetical order. Shameer has has been examining the effects of the prefix un and the suffixes er, est, ed and ing and has been using conjunctions. He has practising using exclamations and commas aswell. He has done a lot of artwork including looking at old and young people. Shameer has planted and is caring for plants and is making toasted sandwiches at home. 

Adam has practised his spelling and times tables and has written a list of opposite words. He also created a beautiful boat. 

Saim has investigated the diferent parts of plants and their jobs nad has labelled a sunflower. 

Abdullah did our alphabet hunt, wrote a letter to Azaan and wrote an amazing character decription. 

Amelia wrote a great character description. 

Rayan founds some caterpillars and will watch their life cycle. He has practised his handwriting and understanding of adjectives and nouns. Rayan has also practised column addition and subtraction and division. 

Finally Angelica has played maths games and practised a lot of column addition. She also created a fun work out video that you can try at home. 


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