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Chaffinch's Home Learning 12.7-19.7

These are some pictures of Chaffinch's home learning.

Chaffinches please send your home learning to so it can be shared on this page. 

Miss Conroy and MIss Syeda


Angelica has been practising her ly and ily joins and wrote a character description. She also learnt and answered questions about Australia Day. 

Abdullah has solved division and multiplication word problems. He also wrote a great fairy tale using the names of some Chaffinch children. 

Raya has practised her ly and ily joins and painted medals that we could award at sports day. She also solved lots of division and multiplication problems. 


Adam has been using compound words and punctuation. 

Raya has been learning about Australia Day and solving problems. 


Thank you to these children for completing your AR and AM tests using the AR website. If you have not yet done these tests, you can still complete them.

Please remember that these tests should be completed independently without support of adults or older brothers and sisters.

Unfortunately, even though we earned an incredible 47,000 TTRockstars points we still did not will this week's competition. 

Well done to Muhammad Mahir who won 34,000 points, Rayan who won 5,000 points and Adam and Katie who each won 2,000 points. 

It's great to see some of you continue to use Bug Club to read books. 

So far we have read a total of  words this year. Thank you to those of you who have been doing some AR tests this week. 

Well done to those of you who have been attempting to use to read books. There is a detailed document about how to use this website on the app. 

Log in to myON using your AR username nad password. 

Click on Library and browse or search to find books. 

Clicking on a book shows you a summary,  the AR level,and a lot of other information. 

After you read the book, click on the orange button and you will be taken to the AR website to do an AR quiz on it. 

Not all books on this website have AR test but most do. 

If you click on your name and then on interests, you will be able to choose the types of books you like. The website will then suggest books that are your level and might interest you.