Friday 19th June 2020
Hello Year Two, it's Fantastic Friday.I hope you enjoyed the story we read this week. Have a great weekend.
English – Editing
Yesterday you wrote about what you would do if you were invisible. Today you will edit your work. Read your work and check it carefully.
Have you punctuated your sentences correctly?
Did you use interesting adjectives?
Are your spellings correct?
Have you used a conjunction in one of the sentences?
Have you used a noun phrase?
Watch this video, for more ideas.
Has this video helped you come up with more ideas? Add your ideas to your writing from yesterday. Read out what you have written yesterday, with expression. Ask an adult to make a video of you reading your ideas. Send us your videos.
Maths – Solve the mystery
There is a mystery solving worksheet attached at the end of this page.
Can you solve the mystery of the missing daffodils? You will need to use all your problem solving skills.
Science – Animals and their Habitats
Watch the video about animals and their habitats.
Now complete the animals and their habitats worksheet that has been attached.
What is an illustrator? Let’s look at some Julie Vivas work.
I would like you to follow the steps that will show you how to draw Poss. Use watercolour, to colour your picture. Then add a fuzzy outline. Send your pictures to us.
Adding watercolour
Add a fuzzy outline.
Happy learning,
Mrs Hussain
Thursday 18th June 2020
Hi Year two. Today I thought I would tell you about Amy Johnson. She was the first woman to fly solo from England to Australia. What can you find out about her?
You have now heard the story Possom Magic. If you were invisible for the day what would you do? Write a paragraph to explain what you would do if you were invisible. Who would you visit? Where would you go? Check your writing. Have you used a conjunction? Can you add a noun phrase to one of your sentences?
Do you think Hush was happy to be invisible?
Maths – Telling the time board game
Watch the video - telling the time to five minutes.
Play the board game, that I have added to the attachments, at the end of this page. All you need is a dice.
Aboriginal art
Do you know what Aboriginal Art is? Do you know who or where the Aboriginals live? Aboriginal people live in Australia. They have been living in Australia for over 40,000 years. This makes them one of the oldest cultures in the world.
Aboriginals do not have a written language like we do, so their art stands for a written language. They have layers of hidden meanings. Aboriginal art includes lots of symbols for the natural things around them.
Aboriginal art uses earth colours and lots of dots.
Watch the video below and create your own aboriginal art.
Happy learning,
Mrs Hussain
Wednesday 17th June 2020
English: Alliteration in the story of Possum Magic
They ate Anzac Biscuits in Adelaide
Mornay and Minties in Melbourne
Steak and Salad in Sydney.
Imagine you were travelling the world to find foods that might help make you visible again. Using alliteration, I’d like you to come up with your own list of foods that you could try. (Don’t forget that names of places are a proper noun so they have a capital letter!)
For a challenge I’d like you think of adjectives that start with the same letter too. Here are my examples.
Excellent eggs in England.
Tasty toast in Tunisia.
Colourful, creamy cupcakes in Cananda.
Here’s a list of places for ideas: Albania, Brazil, Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, France, Greece, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Lebanon, Madagascar, Norway, Oman, Portugal, Quatar, Russia, Somalia, Turkey, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.
Once you have finished your list, you could turn it into an adventure story, talking about how you travelled to each place and what happened there. Did you like any of the foods? Were any of them strange?
Maths - Capacity
There is a worksheet attached below with a set of questions to explore.
Science / Topic - Australian animals.
Visit the Britannica Schools website and use our log in to learn more about your favourite Australian animal (e-mail us if you've forgotten it). You can also find out more about Australia here:
Write a fact file about it, including headings about it's habitat, what it eats and interesting facts.
Miss Zanon has put together some activities that are all about the names of fruits in French.
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Hello, Year two, I hope you are all well.
Today, you will be writing a character description. The character is from the book Possom Magic. I would like you to be image detectives. This is an image of Grandma Poss.
I want you to think about how you would describe this character. What does she look like? What might her personality be like? How might she be feeling? What do you think she sounds like?
Write a paragraph to describe Grandma Poss. I would like you to use noun phrases and conjunctions in your sentences.
Now listen to the story: Possom Magic. What is Grandma Poss really like? How does your description of her compare to her character in the book?
Maths- Capacity
You will need a variety of empty containers and a measuring jug. I would like you to guess the capacity of the container. Then pour liquid into the container,. Now pour it into the measuring jug. What was the capacity of the container? How good was your estimate? Which unit of measurement did you use?
Follow the recipe to make Anzac biscuits:
Make a possom puppet.
Draw the parts onto card. Colour it in. Draw a fuzzy outline. Cut it out and either stick or use split pins to create a puppet.
Happy learning!
Mrs Hussain
Monday 15th June 2020
Hello everybody!
It's been great to see so many of you logging into the myon website.
The school name is Mission Grove Primary School and your Username and Password are the same as your AR ones. After logging in for the first time, you will be asked which books you prefer. The website will then suggest books which you might like that are your AR level. After reading a book, remember to login to AR and complete the AR test on it.
TT Rock Stars Battle
Well done to Chiff Chaff and Crow who won last week's TT Rock Stars competitions.
House Points to Muhammad Mahir who earned 20,059 points, Sitharth who earned 19,607 points and Falak who earned 9,545 points.
This week's competition has already started.
Crow vs Chiff Chaff
Chaffinch vs Cuckoo
At the bottom of this page in the attachments, there are a number of Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories. Some of these stories have been recorded and are online as well.
Can you read them and pick your favourite? Why is it your favourite?
Read (or watch) it several times and pick out the main events.
Draw a story map of your favourite story. Use as few words as possible and draw small pictures with an arrow connecting each part in sequence.
This week we are going to be learning about capacity.
Watch this video and test your understanding of capacity.
With an adult's help, have a look at some of the liquids in your kitchen. Is 1 litre (1l) or 1 millilitre (1ml) greater?
Listen to the litre song and play the Litres of Millilitres Game to see which objects' capacities should be measured in litres and which should be measured in millilitres.
You will need your espresso passwords!
This week's handwriting joins are re, ar and air. Look carefully at how the r is formed and how it joins to other letters.
How many words can you think of which have these letters in them?
Try to practise these joins in your other writing tasks this week.
I hope that you are all keeping active.
Why don't you use your 5-a-day passwords and try some of the fitness videos? This is Fitness Grove.
You could also try some of the Youth Trust's 60 Second Challenges. Why don't you try to do the same one every day this week and see if you can improve your score?
Please continue to send us some of the great work you have been doing at home as we really enjoy seeing it.
Have a great week,
Miss Conroy