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Wonderful Home Learning Work

This page is where all of the wonderful work that you send me will be uploaded so that everyone in Grouse can see and we can look at each others work. 

Every Friday I will also be posting who our stars of the week are just like we do in school! 


We have had SOOOOO many amazing pieces of work sent in this week. Lot's of super Wanted posters and newspaper articles about the bank robbery. We have had some fantastic Maths work sent in too. It's great to see so many of you completing all of the coloured challenges.

I will try and upload some pictures next week. 

Well done to this weeks stars...



Our stars of the week this week...


Kacper has been focussing on his Maths today and has done really well. 

Olivia has been a very busy bee today. I liked her English sentences and how she managed to use one of each type of sentence. 

Hamza created a lovely poster about washing hands. 


Yaseen also made a lovely poster about keeping healthy and clean- he has also done a super job with the Maths questions and English. 


Ameerah wrote some good sentences from the picture of Claude today. She also made a great poster about hand washing. 

Yasmine did some lovely writing about Mary Seacole and has worked hard with her Maths. 


Olivia has been working hard on maths! I love how she has drawing a number line to help her count backwards. 

Aliya enjoyed drawing a profile sketch of Mary Seacole. She also worked hard on Maths! 

Yaseen thoroughly enjoyed sketching a profile of Mary Seacole and has also been a super star with his maths work. 

Melda has been practising her spellings for this week and also drew Mary Seacole.

Hamza did a lovely drawing of Claude again and has done some fabulous joined up handwriting. 

Ameerah wrote some great expanded noun phrases about Claude.

Arow has been a busy been again today completing all of the tasks.


It's the start of another week! Let's look at some work from today. 

Olivia has been working hard doing Maths drawing dienes to help her. 

Yaseen enjoyed drawing Claude. He also did some super maths work!!! 

Aliya did some super writing for English today asking questions about the cover of Claude. She also did the Maths and spellings. 

Rui Xuan has been working hard doing all of todays tasks. 

Ameerah has really been working hard today! I am very impressed and love her drawing of Claude. 

Arow sent me some picture of his work today he has been working hard with his dad particularly on maths. 


It's Friday again!! This week has gone super quickly! 

My stars of the week this week are...


Hello my little Grouselings. I have been so so so impressed with all of the work that i have been sent and with how many children have bee accessing the online live lessons. 

Aliya finished her first poem and even managed to make it rhyme. She created a lovely fact file about Florence Nightingale. 

Olivia also managed to finish her poem and was able to include some rhyming. She also answered all of the maths questions. 

Ameerah finished her poem and included some rhymes. She also created a fact file about Florence Nightingale and answered the maths.

Melda has been focussing on her maths today. 

Hamza finished his poem using some great rhyming. he also did well with the column method.

Rui Xuan  has also been focussing on maths today, getting the hang of carrying with the column method. 

Yasmine  has been a very busy bee today.

Yaseen finished his poem and is now confident with carrying using the column method.

Kacper has been practising his spellings and handwriting as well as working on his column method. 


It's Wicked Wednesday and we have had some more excellent work sent in. 

Hamza wrote some lovely questions for English and also completed the maths questions. 

Aliya Worked hard today and wrote some lovely questions for English and also thought of some great synonyms for said. 

Adam has been enjoying and working very hard on all of the maths questions! I am super proud. 

Yaseen did some amazing Science work today. Writing his predictions for his experiment. He also did some brilliant English and even started to write his own poem.

Yasmine has been a busy been with the English and Maths tasks. 

Olivia write some lovely questions fro English. My favourite is "Who will bring me the juice of the fruit?" 

Rui Xuan has been completing the maths tasks and writing his own questions including treasures for English. 


I am really enjoying seeing all of your lovely faces during our live lessons. You all look like you are working so hard which is lovely to see. 

Hamza enjoyed today maths lesson and whizzed through the questions.

Olivia worked hard today. She did really well identifying different poetic techniques in our poem. 

Yaseen did some great portrait sketches of Florence Nightingale today. I love his use of shading. He also completed the maths and English task. 

Aliya was a busy bee today answering as many math questions as she could and practising her sketching skills. 

Rui Xuan did super well identifying different poetic techniques in the poem and also completing the column method maths questions. 

Melda drew a lovely portrait of Florence Nightingale and answered the maths questions. 

Ameerah did a nice sketch of Florence Nightingale, I love how big she has done it! She also worked hard for maths and English. 


Hello Grouse! Happy Monday. Lots of fantastic work sent in again today! Keep it up. 

Olivia has been working hard and answered all of the maths questions. She also did fabulously with her rhyming words. 

Ameerah has also done fantastically with the English and Maths tasks today. 

Kacper has been busy practising his spellings and doing his maths. 

Rui Xuan has been working hard aty home coming up with lots of rhyming words and doing all of the maths questions using the column method. 

Aliya has been a super star today. Practising her handwriting and rhyming words as well as doing lots of maths. 

Melda has been focussing on rhyming words today but she also managed to complete the maths questions too. 

Yaseen did some super maths today. I love how neat his work is! 

Adam has really impressed me today. He managed to answer all of the maths questions that's 18!! He also thought of some great rhyming words. 

Yasmine did some excellent maths today, i love how she has laid her work out to help her. 


It's Friday! We completed our first week of Online Learning! Well done to all of those children who managed to log in an participate in one of our live lessons! 

My stars of the week this week are...

Some super work from today...

Olivia practised her number bonds to 10 and also did the maths by adding 3 one-digit numbers. Olivia wrote and then performed her own sound collector poem. 


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Stefan sent me some pictrures of his maths work today adding 3 one-digest numbers.

Kacper created a lovely poster all about being healthy and human. He also sent me some great maths work and a video of his performance of the sound collector poem. 


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Aliya did fantastically on her spelling test and got 10/10 She also wrote some superb synonyms and answered lots of the maths questions.  

Yaseen created a fabulous Synonym poster for 'big' with some lovely drawings too. Hea also answered all of the maths and though of some great questions about our new topic Nurturing Nurses. He also sent a video of him performing his poem. 


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Rui Xuan has been working hard today again getting 10/10 on his spellings and answering the maths questions. 

Melda has been a busy bee today doing lots of maths and making a heathy poster. 

Ameerah did excellent on her spelling test achieving 10/10. She also came up with some good questions about our new topic and answered some of the maths questions. 

Yasmine sent me pictures of her work for this week. She has been working very hard indeed to complete as many of the tasks set as possible. 

Finally we have Adam, who has been working hard on his maths and adding 3 one digit numbers! 

Have a great weekend!!


Happy Thursday! We are officially a week into 2021!!

Olivia wrote her own stanza of the sound collector poem and worked hard on her maths. 

Adam worked hard to answer all of the more than and less than questions for todays maths. He also thought about our new science topic and wrote some things about being human. 

Manha has been working hard thinking of some onomatopoeias as well as answering the maths questions and creating a spider diagram for our new science topic. 

Rui Xuan Answered all of the Maths questions today and wrote his own stanza for his sound collector poem. 

Aliya did lots of fantastic work today! Completing all of today's activities. 

Yaseen created a lovely poster for our new Science topic being human. He also wrote a Super version of the Sound collector poem! 


Hello Grouse Class.

Welcome, back, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas Holiday and are now all rested and ready to be back at school (Virtually of course). 

Today we had some fantastic work sent to us...

Manha was busy today completing the maths task and partitioning numbers and practising her spellings. 

Aliya was a super star today and completed all of the tasks for today. She even sent me a video of her performing a stanza of the Sound Collector Poem. 


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Ameerah has been working hard too today practising her handwriting and partitioning numbers. . 

Rui Xuan has been doing excellent work today, putting his spellings into sentences and completing all of the maths challenges. 

 Yaseen challenged himself and answered all of the maths questions including the Extension. He also did some lovely handwriting practise. He also sent me a video of him performing a stanza of the sound collector poem.  


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Adam sent me some pictures of his Maths work today! 

Finally Today Melda has also been busy completing todays maths tasks.