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PSHE and Religion

Summer 1


We have been using our Zones of Regulation to discuss our emotions and mindset. These have helped us understand how we can get ready for learning. 


We have also been learning about our names, why they are important and why we should learn how to pronounce other people's names. We can make mistakes at first but should try our best to say new names correctly. We have spoken about why we should not call people nicknames that they do not like. 

11 Struggles for People with Unique Names | Office of International  Services | USC

It is Mental Health Week so each day we have been learning a different breathing exercise we can do to help us feel better. So far we have learnt about Counting Breaths, Attitude of Gratitude, Senses Breathing, Colour Breathing and The Birthday Song. 

We also learnt about who and how to share our worries and concerns. We reenacted what might happen to our minds if we don't share with others. 

First we thought about our concerns and pretended the mento was that worry. 

Then we gathered all our concerns together and put them into our mind - the coke. 

When there were too many worries in our minds, it exploded. We now know how important it is to talk to other people. 



Ramadan has begun so we learnt about why Muslims follow Ramadan and what they need to do.

We have also been learning about the religious beliefs and practises of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. We created fact files about each religion.  







Autumn 1


During PSHE, we have been learning about friendship and what it means to be a good friend.

We understand that we do not always get on with our friends and that sometimes we have disagreements. We created a friendship recipe. 

We have also learnt about what bullying is, the difference between bullying and disagreements between friends and what we should do to fix disagreements or if we think we are being bullied. 

We watched the Britain's Got Talent Class Dynamix perform their anti-bullying poem and created our own verses that we performed.  


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During Religion, we have been learning about Judaism, Islam and Christianity, their symbols and what those symbols mean. 

We have been been examining religious objects and looked at how they are used. 


Autumn 2 


During PSHE, we learnt about the Zones of Regulation and have been learning about our feelings. We are trying to recognise our feelings and ways to move back into the Green Zone so we can be happy, calm learners.