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Spring Week 6 (8th-12th February)

Friday 12.2.2021

It's the last day of term today and you have all earned a week off - but not just yet! Let our good friend Zoom warm you up before our last day of learning. 


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Maths 10am

Today we're looking at elapsed time, or figuring out a new time after hours or minutes have passed. This video will help you to understand more. 


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There are a few steps to success.

  • First - identify the first time and draw it on your clock face. Then read how much time we are moving to either before or after that time.
  • Using a real clock, or an online clock like this one, move the clock the around by the amount the question asks (this might been going forwards or backwards). 
  • Read your new time and draw it on the second clock face. 

    The Maths sheet is attached at the bottom of the page. There is a Green, Amber and Red challenge and you can choose which one to try. 

English 12pm 

We have been wowed this week by all of your fantastic ideas for Claude's adventure in the jungle. However, we have noticed a lot of missing full stops and capital letters. Today, we would like you to work on your editing skills to check your own work for errors, and up-level your sentences to make them even better. 

There is a powerpoint attached at the bottom of the page with some exercises to help you out. 

If you'd like to work on your spelling , punctuation and grammar this resource from BBC Teach is fantastic and fun. How high can you score?

French (Website Only)

This week Miss. Zanon would like you to work on saying when your birthday is. First you will have to practice the numbers, especially the one that is your birthday!

Then you will have to practise saying this sentence;

She has set a quiz for you to complete here . Remember to write your name so that she can see how well you have done. 

Afterwards you can make a birthday poster like these ones. What season is your birthday in? Can you decorate it with the signs of that season? There is also a bonus video where minions will teach you the birthday song in French!

Stay Active 

Here is a fun activity that you could challenge all of the people at home to join in with. All you need is a sock and a spoon and some concentration. 

               What fun and games can you invent yourself over this half term?

Thursday 11.2.2021
Hello everybody, I hope you have had a fun week so far and got to play in the snow before it mostly disappeared. 

Maths - 9.00
This week we are practising how to tell the time in 5 minute intervals.

Past - 


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To - 


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Challenge 1:

Challenge 2:

Challenge 3:

Extra Challenge:

Literacy - 12.00
Today we are going to be writing the resolution of our story.

Think carefully about the problem that Claude and Sir Bobblysock are in and write the ending of your story. How could they get out? Are one of the other animals going to help? Is something in the jungle - the trees, vines, waterfall, mango - going to help them get out of trouble.

If you are stuck you could use these sentence structures to support you:

Other - 2.00
Today we will be learning about Chinese New Year. 


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Which year were you born in?

Why don’t you….

Yesterday in Science we learned that it is so important to keep fit and healthy. Why don’t you play action charades with your household?

Please remember to keep sending us pictures of your work -
Miss Conroy 


Wednesday 10th February

Happy Wednesday Year 2! Only 3 more days left of school this week and then you get a whole week off for Half Term! 


Today we are continuing to look at telling the time in 5 minute intervals but today we are going to look at times on the 'to' side of the clock. 

I have attached the worksheets at the bottom of this page. 


Today we will be writing the next part of our story, The dilemma or problem.

Here are some sentence starters if you get stuck for ideas. 


Take your resting heart beat and record it. Then do 1 minute of exercise ( star jumps) after this record your heart beat again. Do this again for 2, 3 and 4 minutes of exercise. Dont forget to record how you are feeling. 

I have attached an example graph sheet below. 

Tuesday 9th February

Good morning Year 2. Hope you all have had some fun out in the snow!


More time today!! 

Worksheets are attached bellow. 


This week in literacy we will be writing a sequel to Claude in the City, we will be writing Claude in the Jungle!

Today we will be continuing to write our story 'Claude in the Jungle'. We will be introducing the plot of our story and writing about who Claude will meet.


Today is Safer Internet Day! 

Monday 8th February

Hello Year 2, Mrs Nichols here, I hope you had a lovely weekend. This is the last week before half term, then you can have a week off to relax!


Today we will be revisiting time!



Sheets are uploaded below!



This week in literacy we will be writing a sequel to Claude in the City, we will be writing Claude in the Jungle!

Today we will generate vocabulary about the jungle and write the introduction to our story. This will include a description of Claude and where he lives and a little bit about the jungle.


Let's make a mind map about Claude and about the jungle.

Now let's watch this video about the jungle.


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Included below are vocabulary mats and some other resources to support.

Handwriting and Spelling



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