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Spring Week 7 (22nd-26th February)

Friday 26th February 2021

Bonjour Year 2, Miss. Zanon has planned a fun lesson this week for French - to learn the names of some Nocturnal Animals!


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Maths (10am online)

This week we have been finding fractions of an amount and today we're going to put that to the test by comparing them. First, you will have to use the bar model to work out two different fractions of an amount. Then you will have to decide which one is greater or smaller - and use the inequality signs (  <  >  or =) to complete the sentence. 

So from this example you can see that half of 8 is greater than one third of 9, so we would write 1/2 of 8  > 1/3 of 9.  

Sarah has 2/5 of the pack, which is 12.  John has 1/3 of the pack, which is 10. 12 is more than 10, so Sarah has the most. Complete these questions. 

Literacy (12pm Online)

Today I'd like you to use your story mountain plan from yesterday (and your imagination) to create your very own story about an animal that is afraid of the dark.

I have included a help sheet at the bottom to remind you of all the things you should include in great story writing.  There are sentence openers and adjectives to help you up level your writing to make it sensational. I look forward to reading your stories!

Stay Active

Here's an activity that will exercise your body and your brain! Can you successfully cross a 'river' using only two 'stepping stones'? I managed to get from my living room to my kitchen using only two pieces of paper as my 'stones' - and I didn't fall in the river. It is tricky picking up your object and moving it, so be careful to keep your balance! I hope you have fun. 

Thursday 25th of February

Hello everybody. We are almost at the end of our week. I hope that you have enjoyed our learning and are excited about returning to learn more about our topics. 


Today we are going to use our fraction understanding to represent/ show fractions in different ways. 

Can you pick a fraction and show it in shapes, objects and the bar model? 

Today we are going to plan (not write) your story that is based on Plop and The Owl that was afraid of the dark. 
You will need to include: 

  • a main character (a nocturnal animal)
  • a setting (where they live)
  • an introduction (a brief description of them and who they live with)
  • a problem (being afraid of the dark)
  • a resolution (who do they meet and what do they find out)
  • an ending (how is the problem solved? is the character happy?)

You might want to use a story mountain and some of these nocturnal animal words to help you. 

Our new Topic is called Wonderful Walthamstow. Can you create a mindmap about the things you know about Walthamstow? Then add in questions that you would like to find out about Walthamstow in a different colour. 

Keep yourself active with a super fun KooKooKangaroo dance.


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I hope that you are all keeping well and having fun, MIss Conroy

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Hello Year 2, it's Miss Stevens here. I hope you are all having a good week so far. Only 1 and a half more weeks left of Home Schooling! You can do it! 


Today we are continuing to look at finding fractions of a number using the bar method. However today we will be looking at when the numerator ( top number) is more than 1. 

The steps are exactly the same as yesterday, apart from the last one. 

Because the numerator is 3, this means that we needs to count 3 sections of the bar. 

Have a go at some of these questions. Remember to draw you bar to help work it out. I have put the Challenge 1 sheet in the attachments below. 


Today we will be retelling the story of The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark. 

Now using the story map of pictures to help you can you write and retell the story using as much detail and description as possible. 


Our new Science topic this term is Nocturnal Animals. 

I would like you to first think of all the things you might already know about nocturnal animals. 

Then I would like you to think of any questions you have and would like to learn about nocturnal animals. 

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Hello Year 2! What a great start to the week! Can not wait to see you all back in school soon, Miss Cameron! 


Today we are looking at fractions in a bar. As usual the lesson and the worksheets are uploaded below. Please try to make it to the online live lessons, they are so much fun and your teachers wil be able to help you if you get stuck.

Here are your challenges. Depending on how confident you feel you can either start with challenge 1 or 2! A larger copy of the challenges are down bellow.


Read the story uploaded below and complete the task! 


Today we are going to be making an collage Owl.  

The full lesson and owl template are attached bellow for you to download. If you do not have all the parts to make the owl- be creative! We can not wait to see your amazing owls!



Monday 22nd February 2021

Welcome back Year 2! We all hope you had a lovely restful break. We've got lots of fun learning planned for this half term, lots to look forward to! See you soon, Mrs Nichols :)


This week we will be looking at fractions again. Today we will begin with fractions of a shape. The lesson and worksheets are uploaded below.


Sheets are included below, choose one to do depending on how confident you feel.



This half term our new book will be The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark by Jill Tomlinson.

Today we will be reading some of the book and then writing a character description of the owl. The first part of the story and the task for the day are uploaded below.

Now write your own character description of Plop. Look at the example given on the task sheet below to help you!

Handwriting and Spelling



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