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myON by Renaissance (@myONreader) | Twitter

All children from Reception to Year 6 at Mission Grove Primary School have their own MyOn account, which can be accessed at home, as well as at school, at This is a very popular program in which children can read a huge range of ebooks. These books are also linked to the children's Accelerated Reader accounts, meaning they can answer comprehension questions at an appropriate reading level and increase their word count!

 Every child is able to track how much reading they have completed over a week and a month, and are given many choices of books they are able to read, based on their interests and reading abilities.

The children can access a wide range of texts, including fiction, non-fiction and graphic novels. With nearly 6,000 books to choose from, they will be able to find something that interests them and encourages them to read widely.

Teachers can also access the books, and are able to assign them based on topic, interest or reading level. 

The teachers can create projects for specific topics or children, and can read the books to the children as a large group, whether in class or online.

Children and teachers also have immediate access to a dictionary while they are reading, as well as highlighting and journaling tools to assist with teaching and learning.