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Year Six

Throughout the year, children will be developing their Working Scientifically Skills. This includes:

  • recognising things change over time, and asking pertinent questions and suggesting reasons for similarities and differences over time
  • asking questions about patterns in data and being able to explain why something has happened
  • using prior knowledge to make appropriate predictions
  • reporting and presenting findings from enquiries
  • forming suitable conclusions in oral and written forms such as displays and other presentations
  • developing and using keys and prior knowledge to classify and describe objects
  • taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment, with increasing accuracy and precision, taking repeated readings when appropriate 
  • using secondary sources to help interpret results seen
  • making their own decisions and selecting the most appropriate type of scientific enquiry to use
  • recognising how to set up a comparative and fair test


In Autumn 1, children have been learning about Evolution and Inheritance. This includes:

  • investigating how living things change over time
  • using fossils to find information about life on Earth millions of years ago
  • explaining how plants and animals adapt and evolve over time to suit their environment
  • learning about how offspring vary and are generally not identical to their parents
  • learning about naturalist Charles Darwin

Why don't you use some of these games and websites to continue your learning at home: