Governor’s Annual Statement
Academic Year 2017/8
At Mission Grove, we strive to ensure all of our pupils leave as well rounded individuals who have the passion and confidence to do their best, and the skills to succeed and flourish in life. The governing body is proud of the safe, caring and inclusive environment created by all staff at Mission Grove, and we fully support the school’s aims to:
In accordance with the government’s requirements, the governing body at Mission Grove Primary School concentrates on three core strategic functions:
Governance Arrangements
The governing body is made up of 13 positions:
School governors are all volunteers and give a huge amount of their time for the benefit of the pupils of Mission Grove. Governors (apart from the headteacher) are all appointed, they are independent and have equal status to each other. They act first and foremost in the best interests of the school.
The governors are part of the leadership of the school. Together with the headteacher, business manager and senior leadership team, they have planned, monitored and supported every aspect of the school’s work. This happens through half-termly governing body meetings, along with half-termly meetings of the curriculum and finance committees. These committees operate within agreed Terms of Reference, and report back to the full governing body. We have a cycle of business to help us ensure that all the topics we are required to oversee in a year are covered.
Minutes of governing body meetings are available on the governors section of the Mission Grove website.
Attendance and skills analysis
A copy of the governing body’s annual attendance record is available on the governors section of the school website. In the autumn term of each year, the governing body also completes an annual skills analysis; we use this to inform our training and development and to help identify gaps that we can fill when recruiting to our vacancies. This report is anonymised and is available on the school website.
Monitoring and evaluating
Governors undertake a number of activities in order to monitor and evaluate how the school is operating. In full governing body and committee meetings, we receive reports and presentations from the headteacher, senior leadership team and subject coordinators. In the last academic year, governors also attended three governor days, where we visited a range of lessons and extra-curricular activities, as well as talking to teachers and pupils about their time at Mission Grove. Governors also attend events such as parent coffee mornings, open days and school assemblies.
Each non-staff governor has link responsibilities. Link governors monitor their area of responsibility by engaging with the lead staff member within the school for that area. They check that all required processes and procedures are in place, and report back to the full governing body. Mission Grove has link governors in the following areas:
Effectiveness and impact
The school has a School Development Plan (SDP) that is used by the governing body and senior leadership team to ensure the school is working strategically to deliver the best education for every child. Below is an overview of some of the ways the governing body carried out its duty to monitor and support the school in the delivery of the SDP in the academic year 2017/8:
Key priorities for next year
Over the next academic year, the governing body has set itself the following priorities:
This report gives only a snapshot of the work and activities carried out at Mission Grove over the last academic year. The governing body would like to thank Ms Jennings and her team for their dedication and commitment to ensuring every child has a stimulating, fulfilling and enjoyable education.
If you would like any further information about the governing body, or if you have any questions, please contact the chair of governors at
Signed on behalf of the governing body
Nicole Whitelaw (chair of governors)