Welcome back. I hope you had a safe and restful break.
It was great to have the children back in today. In school, we are continuing to ensure that the children are as safe as possible by washing hands regularly, having hand sanitiser around the school and playgrounds, ensuring that we have good ventilation around the school. Children in years 3 to 6 will be seated in rows for the next few weeks. A copy of the school's latest risk assessment will be on the website.
If anyone in your household has tested positive, please can we ask that you keep your child at home until the positive person has completed their 10-day isolation. If your child is off school isolating, you will receive a phone call every morning from a member of the support team informing them about the work that they should be completing that day and this will continue whilst they are off. Please remember to inform us why your child is off by calling the office, emailing office@missiongrove.org.uk or via the app.
If I can remind you that only 1 person should be dropping off and collecting children from school. If you must come into the school building, we will ask you to wear a face covering unless you are exempt. If you need to speak to a teacher or adult at the end of the day, please wear a face covering. Staff will be wearing masks in all communal areas.
Clubs will be continuing from next week, and they are on the app for you to sign up. If you fill in the form, then you have secured a place. We will be starting enrichment for years 1 to 6 in bubbles or year groups from next week.
Please remember to read the weekly newsletter for any updates.