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  • Chaffinch's Home Learning 23.3-19.4

    These are some pictures of Chaffinch's home learning.

    Chaffinches please send your home learning to so it can be shared on this page. 

    Miss Conroy and MIss Syeda


    Image result for chaffinch



    Super work to those children who have been reading and doing their AR tests. 

    Good job to those people who have been logging into TTRcokstars and Bug Club this week.

    Well done Chaffinches - we won this week's TTRockstars battle against Cuckoo! House points to James and Tahmida who earned over 1,000 points this week. 

    Our new TTRockstars battle will be against Chiff Chaff and has already started. Get online to practise your multiplication and division tables. 

    I have really enjoyed watching videos from Ciara, Angelica and Shameer today. Ciara wrote a meditation about the beach and read it in a very soothing way leaving me completely relaxed afterwards. Angelica recorded herself explaining why it is important to clap for the NHS. Shameer created a volcano and made it explode using vinegar, dish soap and bicarbonate of soda. He also videoed himself caring for his plants, which will be our next Science topic. 

    Angelica has also completed our number hunt and wrote descriptively using her senses about the beach. 


    Shameer has drawn a picture of Florence Nightingale and practised our year two spellings. 

    Saim and Uzair have created some play dough shapes and artwork. 



    I hope you have had a great week. It's been great to see so many of you getting 100% in your AR quizzes and winning Chaffinch points on TTRockstars. Well done to Saim, Raya and James who have all earned over 1,000 points this week. Keep up the hard work. 

    Try to practise your Numbots too. 

    If you want to use your imagination to the fullest and to laugh a lot, you could check out the Taskmaster HomeTasking challenges with your family. Tasks are put up every few days and have included 'do something extraordinary with a pair of trousers', 'turn your bed into something which is not a bed' and 'recreate a sporting moment in your kitchen'. The current task is to 'become a super hero and demonstrate your super powers'. 

    HomeTasking | #StayHome - YouTube

    Ciara wrote a wonderful poem describing the sun rising and setting. She also created a new animal - buildercat - who lives in the Arctic. Ciara has also practised her french colours and measured some of the objects she has at home. 

    Angelica has ben measuring some of the objects she has at home. She also worked very hard to write a number of nature acrostic poems. Her poem about the sun made me crave ice-cream! 

    Uzair has been doing some science learning about the abilities of living things, the human body and our new topic - plants. 


    Hi Chaffinches. I hope you had a great Easter and haven't eaten as much chocolate as I did!!!


    Well done Chaffinches - we won our competition against Crow last week. This week we are competing against Cuckoo. 

    Try to play some studio games this week. Every 10 games you play you get a new rock star speed. 

    ​You can also use your TTRockstars login and password to practise your number bonds on the Numbots website .  Just like TTRockstars this starst easy and gradually gets harder, including number bonds to 100 as well as addition adn subtraction of two-digit numbers. 


    Well done to everybody who has been reading and doing AR quizzes. Adam, Angelica, Saim, Ciara, Muhammad Mahir, Amelia, Raya, Adbullah, Katie and Rayan W all got 100% on a quiz. Atakan has been making a super effort in AR as well this week. 

    If you run out of books, keep them and return them once school reopens so other Mission Grovers can read them. You can read books on Bug Club and AR books on . Just make sure that you choose books that are your level. 

    Art Challenge 

    It's been lovely to see Rayan, Katie and Amelia's contributions to the Mission Grove Art Challenges. This week's challenge is to decorate a square patch for inclusion in a Mission Grove blanket .

    Pe and Keeping Active 

    I've been getting very bored at home so I have started to use this website . My favourite are the 60 Second Challenges. This morning I tried the Socks in the Box challenge but I only managed to achieve Silver. 


    Katie has been doing lots of bread baking this weekend. She has also created a wonderful Easter booklet with some beautiful drawings and using onomatopoeia and different types of punctuation. 

    Abdullah has ben drawing our bar chart nad answering questions on it. He has also created a list of conjunctions and used them in sentences. 

    Angelica has created a creature using the site answered questions on it and also answered questions on our bar chart. 


    Saim did some great artwork and practised his 5 times tables and spellings. 

    Uzair has practised a lot of spellings as well as his multiplication and division tables. 


    Hello Chaffinches! I hope you have a great Easter and try not to eat too much chocolate! 

    We are still neck-and-neck with Crow in our TTRockstars competition. You have until tomorrow at midday to win points. 

    Angelica sent me a link to the incredible VLOG she worked on this week. She has created some amazing instructions for making lipsticks. Check it out - . She has also practised her handwriting and her Year 2 spellings. 

    Mellissa has been practising her times and division tables, number bonds and column subtraction as well as a LOT of our spelling words. 

    Adam has been practising his column addition, number bonds and multiplication as well as doing some art work. 

    Saim has created a wonderful Easter bonnet and also did some lego construction. 

    Uzair has practised his handwriting and some of our key spelling words. 

    Muhammad Mahir has been baking some delicious bread, practising present tense verbs and our spellings and his column addition. 


    Chaffinch are competing against Crow in this week's TTRockstars competition and at the moment we are trailing behind them. Get logging on to practise your multiplication adn division tables and win points for our class. 

    Shameer has sent me lots of his recent learning including Claude, Florence Nightingale and dinosaur artwork, 

    Maths multiplication tables, column addition adn number word spelling, 

    and Florence Nightingale writing, year two spellings and practise using one of his home learning books. 

    Saim has been researching different countries, finding them on the globe and creating Easter and coronavirus posters. He has also used some his alphabet adjectives in very descriptive sentences.

    Rayan has used some of his home learning books to practise his addition number bonds and comprehension skills. 

    Katie practised her handwriting and her maths using TTRockstars, place value tens and ones straws and monopoly. 


    Keep reading as much as you can and doing some AR tests. 

    We won our TTRockstars battle last week. Well done to James, Rayan W, Dawidm Tahmida, Saim, Salman, Katie, Abdullah, Sakeena, Azaan, Atakan, Abdurrahman, Uzair, Muhammad Mahir, Angelica and Adam.
    This week we will be challenging Crow, who are tricky, so we need everybody to play!

    Katie and Angelica both created Easter bonnets last week. If you want to create one and send in a picture please do. 

    Katie has also sent me some of the amazing work she has been doing - reading, an interesting story about a bunny filled with adverbs and some of the Spanish writing she has been doing. 

    James has earned thousands of TTRockstar points in our class battles. He has also been practising his handwriting. 

    Azaan has created his story and created amounts with different coins. 

    Tahmida wrote a time diary of a nurse and used some superb language. 

    Muhammad Mahir worked with coins to create different amounts. He also practised his spellings and challenged his 3 times table understanding with missing numbers. 

    Uzair created a weather machine, practised his ay words, did his wonder and acrobat work and copied a very detailed drawing of a helicopter.

    Saim has been doing a lot of reading, used some marvellous adjectives in an adjective alphabet, researched Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and drew a labelled drawing of a bus and a plane. 


    There is a great website that you can read books and then login to AR website to complete a test on them. This is a website that contains books for all year groups, including secondary school, so please make sure that you select Year 2 and choose books that are your AR level with an adult.

    Chaffinch are currently winning our TTRockstars battle against Chiffchaff. You have until 12 tomorrow to win points for our class. Then our next battle will begin and you can continue practising your multiplication and division tables. 


    Remember you should continue to practise your ai and ay handwriting, times tables using TTRockstars and reading using AR tests and bug club. I am always checking these sites and you can also send me pictures of any of the learning you are doing at home. 

    Muhammad Mahir went on our treasure hunt through his house and practise his multiplication tables. 

    Rayan used the digital clock to create a time line of his day. He also wrote an interesting story about Nemesis in which he used lots of adverbs and created a list of said synonyms that he used with correct speech punctuation. 

    Tahmida researched Mary Seacole and Clara Barton who she taught me about. 

    Amelia created her daily time line using o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. 

    1/4/20 Happy April Fool's Day Chafinches. 

    Well done to James, Rayan, Tahmida, Dawid, Saim, Katie, Sakeena, Uzair, Azaan, Angelica, Muhammad Mahir and Adam who have all won points in our TTRockstars battle. At the moment we are in the lead so keep winning points and practising your times tables. 

    Muhammad Mahir has been doing lots of home learning including making his own toothpaste (which he didn't like), practising his handwriting, wonder and acrobat work and maths problem solving. 

    Tahmida has researched Mary Seacole and used question marks and some impressive language. 

    Angelica has created a time diary and written a very entertaining story about two cats. 

    Saim has drawn a picture of a very smiley orange and researched Mary Seacole. 

    Uzair has begun a science experiment involving eggs and coke. 

    Azaan has created a time diary of his day and solved our maths problem. He has also practised his handwriting and written about the train picture. 

    Sakeena has solved our maths bean challenge using addition and multiplication and used dictionaries when doing our wonder adn acrobat literacy work.

    Amelia has been practising her ai and ay handwriting.

    Katie has been winning points for our TTRockstars batle, practising her handwriting, reading, researching and drawing whales, solving our tricky maths problem and working on wonder adn acrobat. 


    Angelica practised her problem solving and created a list of ai and ay words. 

    Abdullah has practised his ai and ay handwriting today and used some great adverbs in his wonder work. 

    Rayan worked tremendously hard today researching and writing about sharks, practising his handwriting, wonder synonyms and problem solving. 

    Uzair has been practising his spelling and handwriting. He has also practised his counting using money and completed our fun challenge, finding as many red this as possible. 

    Saim has created some questions about Mary Seacole and used the correct capital letter and question mark punctuation. 

    Amelia has drawn a chaffinch after our class name. 


    This weekend I have been looking at your AR and Bug Club reading. Remember when you have read almost any book you can do an AR test on it.

    Well done to Ciara, Amelia and Raya who all got 100% on their AR tests this week. 


    Sakeena has sent me some of her incredible work this week. She has been adding money, using adverbs, writing her Claude story and creating a soap powered boat. 

    Angelica did our Friday treasure hunt through her house to find different objects. 

    Amelia has drawn a beautiful spring butterfly. 


    Uzair has been reading about war planes and has drawn some more. He has also been practising his number bonds. 

    Saim has been describing our school using adjectives. 


    Amelia and Rayan have drawn some beautiful pictures of Claude. 

    Uzair has been researching and drawing some planes. Did you know that the Super Marine Spritfire of 1940 has a top speed of 357mph? 

    Inline image

    Saim has begun researching Mary Seacole and has also been doing some Art. 


    Uzair has continued researching Florence Nightingale. 

    Azaan has been using conjunctions and the past tense when writing his Claude story. 

    Ciara has been researching snails, Henry VIII and Anne Frank and creating some information texts using bullet points and headings. 

    Angelica practised spelling her numbers as well as her number bonds and times tables. 


    Saim used some great adjectives and an adverb to begin a sentence yesterday.

    Rayan has been practising his Maths and Literacy today. He has also used some great descriptive phrases. Well done. 





    Uzair has been researching Florence Nightingale. 



    Well done to the people who have logged in and completed an AR quiz. Congratulations to Raya, Amelia and Angelica for getting 100%!

    Saim practised his handwriting and Art this weekend.