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This is the page where we will share the amazing reading that we are doing. Look out for your names here if you average 100% on your quizzes at the end of the week or if you have read for over an hour a day! 

If you need to check the level of a book at home you can by following this link

W/C 05/07/21- Hakeem and Mohammed read for over an hour a day this week. Louis read for 110 minutes, Fatima 117 amd Charles read for the longest with 110 minutes a day! Hakeem, Charles, Azaan, Fatima, Daniele and Louis averaged 100% on their quizzes, well done!

W/C 28/06/21- We were swimming this week, so we lowered our target time to 40 minutes a day which we achieved and will have our extra play on Monday. Fatima read for 85 minutes, Lavell read for 62 minutes and Louis read for 97 minutes. Daniele read for over 150 minutes and Pip read for over 200 minutes a day! Hakeem, Fatima, Daniele, Hussein, Eman, Subhan and Louis all scored a perfect 100% on their quizzes! 

W/C 21/06/21- Lavell, Mohammed, Louis and Bella read for over an hour a day this week, well done! Hamza read for over 2 hours and Fatima had our highest engagment time with 141 minutes a day! Daniele, Hussein, Pip, Robin and Louis all averaged 100% on their quizzes. 

W/C 14/06/21- We have been enjoying reading books in our new levels. Because some of us have gone up so much, we are now reading longer books so haven't managed to do as many quizzes this week. Louis, Robin and Mohammed averaged over an hour a day. Lavell read for 102 minutes and Fatima had the highest engaged reading time with 132 minutes a day! Louis, Daniele and Pip averaged 100% on their quizzes. 

W/C 07/06/21- We did a new AR test this week to give us our new AR levels. Everybody did really well and are looking forward to being able to read some new and exciting books! Louis was the only one to average over an hour this week with a daily engaged reading time of 110 minutes. Louis, Charles, Azaan, Raheem, Daniele, Umair, Hussein and Hamza all averaged 100% on their quizzes this week. Well done! 

W/C 24/05/21- Film Week impacted on our reading time this week, but we still managed to average a very good 49 minutes a day. Charles read for over an hour and Bella read for over two hours! Louis finished the Harry Potter series and averaged an amazing 395 minutes a day. Hakeem, Charles, Raheem, Daniele, David, Pip, Hamza and Subhan all were perfect readers this week.  

W/C 17/05/21 – We didn't reach our goal of 60 minutes engaged reading time a day but we still managed a very good 48 minutes a day as a class. Lavanette, David, Umair, Hamza, subhan and Mohammed all read for over an hour a day this week. Fatima, and Lavell both read for over 100 minutes and Raheem had the highest engaged reading time with 130 minutes a day! Hakeem and Raheem were both perfect readers with 100% on all their quizzes. 

W/C 10/05/21 – We managed to achieve our goal of 60 minutes engaged reading time a day this week. We averaged 63 minutes a day which was a great achievement considering we completed fewer quizzes this week. Raheem, Daniele, Lavanette, Pip and Hamza all read for over an hour this week. Charles, Fatima and Lavell read for over 100 minutes and Louis read for an amazing 337 minutes. Azaan, Fatima, Raheem, Umair, Hamza, Mohammed and Bella all averaged 100% on their quizzes. 

W/C 03/05/21 - Our reading was back on top form this week! Our class engaged time was an amazing 90 mins a day! Azaan, Raheem, Daniele, David, Umair, Pip, Robin, Eman and Mohammed all read for over an hour a day this week Bella and Fatima read for over 160 minutes a day and Louis with our highest time of the year, read for an incredible 606 minutes a day. Azaan, Fatima, Raheem, Daniele, Umair, Pip, Ishmale and Eman were all perfect readers this week. 

W/C 26/04/21- Our reading was good this week. We had a class engaged time of 50 minutes which is under our 60-minute target but is still a superb effort.  Hakeem, David, Umair, Hamza and Lavell read for over an hour a day this week. Fatima and Mohammed read for over 100 minutes and Pip was our star reader with an amazing 161 minutes a day this week. Hakeem, Raheem, Hussein and Eman were all perfect with ther quizzes. 

W/C 19/4/21- It was another short week this week, but our reading standard was still very high! Daniele, Abdul, Mia, Subhan, Lavell and Mohammed all read for over an hour this week. Hakeem read for over 100 minutes and Hamza was our star reader this week, reading for an amazing 171 minutes a day! Our class engaged time a day was 52 minutes so we fell under our target of 60 minutes. 6 children averaged 100% on their quizzes! Well done Hakeem, Charles, Azaan, Raheem, Lavanette and Maja for being perfect readers!

W/C 29/3/21- It was a shorter week this week, but we still had some excellent reading in Moorhen class. Hamza, Abdul, Robin, Mia and Mohammed read for more than an hour this week. Fatima read for an amazing 163 minutes but Umair was our star reader with an incredible 194 minutes! We didn't manage to reach our class target of an hour a day this week for the first time in a long time! Raheem, Umair, Hussein and Pip all averaged 100% on their quizzes this week.

W/C 22/3/21- Well done to Daniele,Robin,Subhan, Lavell and Bella for all reading over an hour a day this week! Fatima, Ishmale,Hamza and Abdul all read for over 100 minutes this week. Louis read for an incredible 374 minutes a day! Our class engaged time per day was slightly lower than last week but still a very good 70 minutes a day! Raheem was the only person to average 100% on his quizzes this week!

W/C 15/3/21- Our reading has been even better this week! As a class, we have an engaged time per day of 80 minutes! Maja, Hamza, Eman and Mohammed all read for over an hour a day! Hakeem, Umair, Hussain, Pip, Abdul, Robin and Louis all read for over 100 minutes! Fatima read for an incredible 208 minutes a day! Hakeem, Azaan, Umair and Lavell were our perfect readers this week with 100% on their Ar quizzes! 

W/C 8/3/21- It has been another amazing week of reading in Moorhen class! It has like we have never been away and it has been great how we have carried on with where we were. Well done to Lavanette, Umair, Ishmale, Hamza, Robin, Lavell, Mohammed and Louis for all reading over an hour a day! Fatima, Raheem, Daniele, Maja, and Abdul all read for an incredible 2 hours! Our class engaged reading time was 64 minutes a day! Fatima, Raheem, Umair and Louis all scored 100% on all their quizzes this week! 

W/C 30/11/20- Well done to Hakeem, Fatima, Lavanette, Abdul, Lavell and Mohammed for reading over an hour a day! Umair, Hussein and Louis for reading over 100 minutes a day this week! Our star reader this week was Hamza who read for an amazing 213 minutes a day! Our class engaged daily reading time was 64 minutes a day! Our reading has been excellent throughout the year and we have read over 2 million words as a class! David, Pip and Louis all scored 100% in their quizzes this week. 

W/C 23/11/20- Well done to Lavanette, David, Ishmale, and Robin for reading over an hour a day. We had even more children reading for over 100 minutes this week! Umair, Hamza, Abdul, Mohammed and Louis were all over! Well done guys! Fatima was our star reader this week, with an incredible 284 minutes a day! Raheem, Pip, Subhan and Lavell were our perfect quizzers this week! Our reading has been very good as a whole class again this week and we averaged 61 minutes a day! We are creeping closer to the 2 million word mark!

W/C 16/11/20- Well done to Fatima, Daniele, Hamza, Eman and Mohammed for reading over an hour a day. Hakeem, Umair, Abdul and Bella all read for over 100 minutes this week. Our star reader was Lavanette with an amazing 145 minutes of reading every day! Raheem, David and Umair were all perfect with their quizzes this week averaging 100% on every quiz that they took! 

W/C 9/11/20- Well done Fatima, Abdul and Maja for reading over an hour a day!  Pip was the star reader with 107 minutes! Well done to Raheem and Hussein for 100% on all their quizzes this week!

W/C 2/11/20- Well done to Raheem, Daniele, Umair, Maja, Hamza, Robin, Mia, Subhan, Mohammed, Azaan and Bella for all reading over an hour this week! Lavanette and Louis read for over 100 minutes a day this week! Abdul read for 134 minutes but our star reader this week, was Fatima who read for 184 minutes a day! Bella, Louis and Azaan all averaged 100% on their quizzes! It was another great week of reading as we had a class reading time of 74 minutes a day!  

We also had our first children putting their stars for words read on the AR display in the hall. 


W/C 19/10/20- Well done to Hakeem, Hussein, Robin and Lavell for reading over an hour this week! Fatima, Raheem, Abdul, Mia, Azaan, Louis and Bella all read for over 100 minutes this week! Lavanette read for an incredible 208 minutes a day! Hussein, Pip, Maja and Louis all averaged 100% on their quizzes this week. It was an excellent effort this week Moorhen as our class average was 77 minutes a day and we have now read over 1,000,000 words this year already! 

W/C 12/10/20- Well done to Charles, Fatima, Raheem, Lavanette, Pip, Hamza, Abdul, Robin, Mia, Lavell and Louis for all reading over an hour a day this week! Fatima, Lavanette, Abdul and Louis all read for over 100 minutes a day! Excellent work Moorhen! Hakeem and Pip averaged 100% on all their quizzes this week! 

W/C 05/10/20- Well done to Raheem, Daniele, Lavanette, Umair, Hamza, Abdul, Mia and Lavell for reading over an hour a day this week! Louis read an amazing 187 minutes a day! Keep up the good work.  Subhan and Bella were perfect with their quizzes this week and averaged 100%