Friday 4th December 2020
Today's lessons will be in the afternoon. I have included lots of activities below that you can do in the morning.
1:00 - computing
2:00 - literacy
I have uploaded a maths booklet at the bottom of the page that covers lots of different place value questions, I will put this in the Teams folder too. See how much of the booklet you can complete (up to page 11). If you do not have a printer you can copy the answers into your notepad. Enjoy!
Today you will be learning about recycling! I have included a powerpoint lesson that you can go through. Your activity is to then explain the process of recycling plastic bottles. I have included worksheets to support this. There is also a sorting activity - if you don't have a printer you can just sort the objects by writing them in your notepad. All of the resources have been uploaded below, I will also add them to the general channel on Teams.
Today in French you will be learning the months of the year. Here is a song to learn. Practise by writing the months out in a list, make sure you use your neatest handwriting. Months aren't capitalised in French.
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Good morning!
Today's live lessons are at 10:00 - Reading and 11:00- Maths.
Here is the quiz about The Great Fire of London from yesterday! Please complete before Saturday. Make sure you use your name so I can see what score you get! The winner will get a prize when we are back to school on Monday.
In maths, we will be looking at worded problems linked to fractions of amounts. I have included the sheets below and in Microsoft Teams files.
Here is another wonderful dance session from Miss Cameron!
In today's lesson we will be looking at inference. The files are already uploaded to Teams. Below is a link to the quiz that I want you to complete AFTER the lesson. The winner will get a prize when we are back on Monday! Remember to use your name so I know what score you get.
Nature Studies
You all know that I love nature! Well I thought this week you could begin to learn how to identify different trees. I am attaching a leaf identification sheet. Each tree has a different type of leaf, if you know the names of different leaves then you will be able to identify different trees. I know that you can't go out yet, so I thought you could have a go at drawing/painting the different leaves from this sheet and then at the weekend you could go to your local park and see which leaves you can spot! As it is Autumn, there are lots of leaves on the ground so when you are able to go out and collect some you could also do some leaf rubbings. I have included this file below.
Draw a picture of this monster, then make a list of adjectives and expanded noun phrases to describe it. Next, I want you to write a short story about the monster. Telling me what:
1) He looks like
2) What kind of character he is
3) What he enjoys doing
Try and include some of our different learning from the past few weeks; expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, similes and onomatopoeia. If you can't remember what these words mean use Google to help you :)
Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Today the live lessons will be in the afternoon due to PPA in the morning.
Maths - 1:00pm
Topic - 2:00pm
In maths we will be looking at fractions of amounts. I have uploaded the worksheets below but will include snapshots here for those who are unable to download the sheets.
In topic we will be ordering the events of The Great Fire of London. You can choose to order the given events, or if you are feeling super confident you can read about The Great Fire of London and then pick the main events out your self.
Read the two sheets above and answer these questions using the text.
Using our spellings from this week... use this exercise sheet to spell out the words.
For example; hike would be =
H= 10 narrow squats
I = 10 lunges
K= 10 toe taps
E= 20 high knees
(If you don't know how to do any of the exercises I am sure you can find examples on youtube)
Tuesday 1st December 2020
If you are in Goldfinch Class you should have received an email about joining some live lessons today at 10:00am and 11:15am, make sure you log into your new email address to join the lessons!
In maths we will be looking at shading fractions - I will go through the lesson at 10:00am. The worksheets have been uploaded at the bottom of the page.
In literacy we will be writing a diary entry about what it has been like to be in isolation. I will include the lesson below which has adjective mats, checklists and an an example. I will be going through this lesson at 11:15am.
I have also uploaded a well being journal below which is an additional activity you can complete if you want to. It is a daily diary to record how you feel promting you with questions. Please see an example from it below.
The phonics screening test is coming up, here are some new practice sheets you can go through with your child in preparation. I have included a video that goes through how each sound is said to help you. Please make sure you watch this beforehand.
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Today I would like you to spend some time using TTRock Stars and Numbots. Remember that you have the password for them both on your reading diary (they have the same log in details).
You should be good at logging in by yourself now after our computing lesson last Friday.
The links are below... currently Goldfinch are winning in the Year 2 times tables tournament which ends today!
In reading today I would like you to spend some time on Myon as I have noticed not everybody is using it. I have set you some projects with books linked to our topics, but you can read any book you like! Remember that after you have completed reading a book on Myon it will ask you if you want to complete an AR quiz through the myon website!
Read books at myON
Current Affairs
Watch these fire safety videos.
Monday 30th November 2020
If you are in Goldfinch Class you should have received an email about joining some live lessons today at 10:00am and 11:00am, make sure you log into your new email address to join the lessons!
I will be going through our spellings at 10:00am;
The phonics screening test is coming up, here are some practice sheets you can go through with your child in preparation. I have included a video that goes through how each sound is said to help you. Please make sure you watch this beforehand.
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I will be going through this lesson at 11:00am. The PDF of the lesson is included at the very bottom of this page.
Friday 27th November 2020
Hello, Miss Cameron here!
I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the home learning Mrs Nichols has been sharing with you. I have seen some of the work you have been emailing in and it looks wonderful. Well done!
In today's PE lesson we will be learning a dance routine. I have included a short warm up and cool down too. Make sure you have a bit of space to move around in, some water and your positive energy. Once you have learnt the dance please feel free to film it and send the footage to our year group email ( so we can see your amazing dance moves!
Don't forget today is spelling test day! Get your adult to test you and send your results to
Good luck!
Today I would like you to spend some time using TTRock Stars and Numbots. Remember that you have the password for them both on your reading diary (they have the same log in details).
You should be good at logging in by yourself now after our computing lesson last Friday.
The links are below... currently Goldfinch are winning in the Year 2 times tables tournament which ends today!
In reading today I would like you to spend some time on Myon as I have noticed not everybody is using it. I have set you some projects with books linked to our topics, but you can read any book you like! Remember that after you have completed reading a book on Myon it will ask you if you want to complete an AR quiz through the myon website!
Read books at myON
Following on from yesterday's task - now that you are experts on the features of non-fiction writing I would like you to write another information leaflet. Today I want you to write it on The Forbidden Forest. Remember that the information below is written in note form, you need to read the information sheet and then write your own information leaflet on The Forbidden Forest using full sentences. Don't forget to use capital letters and full stops! Make sure you include the different features we talked about on Thursday, if you are not sure check below at yesterdays lesson.
Listen to this magical song and see if you can learn the words and sing along! Start by learning the chorus (the catchy bit that repeats) and then if you feel confident move onto learning the verses.
Thursday 26th November 2020
Todays maths lesson follows on from yesterday's. Today you will be finding the total of coins and adding coins to make certain amounts. I have included a recording of the lesson below, the the worksheets are at the bottom of this page and the Extra!Extra! question is underneath.
Today we will be looking at non-fiction texts. A non-fiction text is a factual piece of writing, something that gives us information!
Below is a list of some of the features you will see in a non-fiction text.
Today you will be reading some information on The Great Hall which is in Hogwarts School. You will then be rewriting the information in your own way, to create an information leaflet about The Great Hall. The only problem is the information sheet I am giving you is not written very well! It is missing capital letters and punctuation... you need to ensure that you write your properly using full sentences!
Read the information below;
What non-fiction features did you spot? Now see if you can create your own non-fiction piece of writing about The Great Hall. make sure you include a title, subheadings, pictures and labels.
Below is an example of a layout you might want to use. I will attach a copy of it at the bottom of this page in case you want to print it and use it.
Use the sheets below to help you write about different materials. If you want to print the sheets the files are included at the bottom of this page. Use the internet to research the answers if you are not sure!
You might need help from an adult reading this extract. If it is too difficult there is a video below under art lesson. Once read see if you can answer the questions. This reading is linked to the art lesson below and today you will be creating your own Patronus.
Today you will be creating and drawing your own Patronus animal.
What is a Patronus Animal? Watch the videos below!
Can you create your own ‘Happy Memory Collage’ using illustrations and words ?
For Harry, he remembers ‘the wonderful, soaring sensation in his stomach’ … How can you represent all of the positive emotions that your memory makes you feel? What pictures can you draw? Which adjectives can you use?
Patronus - Expecto Patronum
Using your memory as inspiration, consider what form your unique Patronus would take.
What animal would you choose to represent your most powerful memory?
Draw a picture of your Patronus!
Wednesday 25th November 2020
Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone Chapter 1 Part 1
In science we have been learning about materials and their properties. Can you find a range of objects from your home and use this sheet to help you write about each one. Try finding 5 different objects to begin with.
- Draw a picture?
- What is it called?
- What is it made of?
- What are its properties?
Spellings and Handwriting
This week we will be learning the il join.
Parents - if you could practise the spellings with your child and then test them on Friday that would be amazing. I would love to hear how you do, so please email me your results on Friday to :)
Today's lesson is all about money!
Here is the lesson to listen to.
Here are the two activities to do.
Below is a link to a money game where you need to make different amounts.
Enjoy :)
I would like you to write a book review on the book you are currently reading. You can choose how you would like to lay it out, but below I have included an example of one so you know what information to include.
Tuesday 24th November 2020
Well done and thank you to Rayyan, Gabriele and Danil who emailed the wonderful work they had done at home to us, I will be adding it to the website soon! Today there are more exciting lessons for you to do at home. More activities will be added throughout the day so keep your eyes open.
Today in maths we will be looking at intervals of time and elapsed time. Watch the lesson below to help you understand. I have attached 3 worksheets for today which are at the very bottom of the page (Day 2 intervals of time) and have used a traffic light system to label them. If you are not very confident choose red, if you feel ok choose orange,if you feel very confident choose green. I have also included a link to the interactive clock which can support you in answering the questions. Enjoy!
Computing and Media Studies
Today you will be learning to take different types of shot! Below you can watch a video of the lesson. I have also included the link to the clip I mention in the lesson right below.
After watching the lesson experiment with different shot types, use a toy or teddy as your subject! Send your photos to so they can be added to the website!
Watch the clip below of the enchanted Muggle car.
Clip of the enchanted Muggle car
If you could enchant an every day object and make it magical, what would it be and why?
Draw a picture of your enchanted object and write a description about what it can do.
Don't forget to send us your work!
Nature Studies
Watch the beautiful clips below and use them to help you create a picture of what you think of when you hear the word 'nature'. Draw a picture of what you think 'nature' looks like.
Extra! Extra! Can you write about your picture using some expanded noun phrases, similes and onomatopoeia?
Use the adjective mats to help.
Please send your pictures to
Monday 23rd November 2020
Happy literacy week! This week some of our learning will be based around Harry Potter. Please feel free to email any work through to the email address so your teachers can see the amazing work you are doing at home!
Watch the trailer for the first Harry Potter movie below.
Now write a letter to your teacher explaining why you would or would not want to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Make sure you include all the features of a letter (shown in the example below) and also lots of amazing adjectives.
Extra!Extra! Draw a picture of yourself as a witch or wizard.
Today in maths we are looking at volume and capacity in measurement.
Go to the below link, watch the video and then have a go at the estimating activities with an adult. You will need a range of containers which you should be able to find around your kitchen. There are also some fun maths measurement games on Karate Cats Maths that you can do.
Now see if you can answer these questions.
Can you create your own potion? What ingredients would it contain? Add up the millilitres to find the volume of liquid in your potion.
In topic this week we are looking at history and exploring timelines.
At the very bottom of this page there is a powerpoint lesson called 'timeline lesson' this will explain the basics, make sure you go through this before completing the activities.
Activity 1 - Can you order these events from the earliest to the most recent?
Activity 2 - Now see if you can create a timeline of your life.
As well as these lessons, it is important that you continue to use the below websites to enhance your learning.
Year 2 - this week you are in a tournament with each other in Timetables Rock stars to see which class can do the best!
We would like you to engage in reading daily with your child. The children should be reading for at least 20 minutes a day. This can be from their reading book sent home from class, a book that they have at home, using Bug Club or myON.
Your child's class teacher will provide you with log in details for your child. Please access your account via the link here:
Please encourage your children to practise their timetables daily. This doesn't have to be a laboured activity but simply when walking to school asking them a few questions related to the timestable they are learning. All of the children also have access to TTrockstars, this is an online app which allows the children to practice their timetables and related division facts. They can earn coins from correct answers to update and personalise their characters as well as battle with other children in their class and in Mission Grove.
Numbots helps them to practise their basic but essential number facts and skills such as number bonds.
Your child's class teacher will provide you with log in details for your child. Please access your account via the links here: