Friday 5th February 2021
This week we hope you've enjoyed exploring some of the mindfulness and wellness activities we have shared with you. As part of our science learning this term, 'Being Human', we have been learning all about our bodies and how to stay healthy. Taking care of our minds (our metal health) is as important as keeping our hearts, teeth and skin healthy - and we hope trying some of these tasks has helped you to understand how to manage and cope with your thoughts and emotions a little bit more.
Breathing exercises, mindful moments and practising positive thoughts are all exercises we should continue to try to keep our minds fit and healthy - so here are a few more you can try too.
Maths 10am
Here is a quick warm-up to start with. Which methods will you use to solve them? (bar model, column method, arrays, grouping or sharing?)
We have our last challenge this week of finding missing numbers by using the inverse operation. Let's recap;
You just have to spot the operation and reverse it. But can you also find all the other related number facts?
Literacy 12pm
Before you start - can you write the contractions for each of these word pairs?
Today we want you to be creative and write a story about one of the characters Claude met in the Hospital waiting room. What could they have done to get those strange injuries? I'm sure you can write something exciting!
Here is an example, including all the features I'd like you to include in your version. Here are some more conjunctions to help you.
National Pizza Day ( it's on 9th February, but we like Pizzas as a weekend treat!)
It's National Pizza day on Tuesday 9th of February and so today we're going to be making our own pizzas from scratch. I've put a super simple recipe at the bottom of the page if you'd like to follow it - but the best thing about pizzas is all the different ways you can make them.
You can skip the part making dough and use a base such as;
And when it comes to toppings you can go as simple or as fancy as you like. Challenge yourself to making your pizza....
Have a fun weekend everyone - we will have more ideas for your home learning on Monday!
Thursday 4th of February 2021
Hello everyone,
Please make sure that you do an AR quiz this week as Miss Jennings will be checking. If you do not have any books, please read using myON (use your AR login and password).
Physical activity is really important for having good mental health and keeping healthy. You do not need much space or equipment to do these activities. Why don’t you do them with a member of your household.
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Maths 10.00
Today, we will be looking at the inverse of multiplication and division.
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Literacy 12.00
Yesterday, you wrote a list about what Claude should do at the hospital. Today you are going to write a persuasive letter to Claude to tell him what he should do.
Have a look at some of the persuasive letters in this video.
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Now it’s your turn to write a letter to Claude telling him what he should do. Make sure that you use some of your persuasive writing language!
Florence Nightingale and Mental Health
Florence Nightingale felt that certain colours helped make people feel better and she used these in her hospitals.
Sound can also affect our mental health e.g. a lot of noise can make us feel stressed. Sounds and songs can make us feel different emotions.
Florence Nightingale understood that calm, quiet wards allowed patients to rest which helped them feel better. Today doctors and nurses continue to try and make wards quiet and calm.
Now divide a page into 6 like this.
Close your eyes and play each piece of music (or other music) for 30/40 seconds.
When you play a piece of music, think about how it makes you feel and draw along to the music in one of the boxes.
After listening, write 2/3 words about how the music made you feel in the box.
When you have listened, drawn and written to all of the music look carefully at what you have drawn.
I hope you all have a great day,
Miss Conroy
Wednesday 3rd February
Hello Year 2. We are officially half way through another week!
For today's mental health activity I want us to think about our Star qualities.
Now think about your friends and some of their star qualities.
Finally draw a picture of yourself. All around you draw some stars with your star qualities in.
Today we are looking at inverse. For most of you this will be the first time you have come across this.
Start by reading the next part of the story, I have attached it below in the attachments.
Do you think Claude should tell the truth or lie? Why?
Today we are going to do an experiment to look at why it is important we brush our teeth.
Tuesday 2nd February
Good morning!
What have you done today to make yourself feel proud? Mrs Nichols has uploaded some great mindful activities for you to do this week. Why don't you have a go? Remember that you are amazing and all the teachers in Year 2 are proud of you all. Keep being great!
We are continuing to look at halving but today we are also looking at remainders. The lesson and activities are below.
Today in literacy we are writing a diary entry in the role of Claude. We will be describing what Claude can see and using the rhetorical questions we learnt yesterday.
We will be learning about different types of medicines and other drugs that can be harmful or helpful to our bodies. What is a medicine?
Monday 1st February
Good morning Year 2! Mrs Nichols here, I hope you all had a lovely restful weekend.
This week is Children's Mental Health Awareness Week. Each day we will be including an extra activity linked to this that you can do if you want to :) I've also included the website below where you can find more information.
Children's Mental Health Week
Let's begin the week by focusing on our breath. Different breathing patterns activate our brain networks related to mood, attention, and body awareness. Slow down, and pay attention to your breath. ... research shows that paced breathing exercises can both focus attention and regulate the nervous system.
Below are some activities to help you focus on your breath. I've also uploaded the files below.
If you don't have a printer, you can make the dot patterns yourself on a piece of paper.
Today in maths we will be looking at halving (which is the opposite of doubling). The lesson and sheets are also uploaded below.
Today in literacy we will start reading Part 2 of Claude in the City. We will be planning to write a diary entry in role as Claude. We will also be learning about rhetorical questions.
Make sure you look at the literacy lesson below which has the pages we are reading and the activity.
This week our rule is change the y to an i and add ed!