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Highlight of the week

W/C 05/07/21- Visiting the Book Fair and England getting to the Euro 2020 final and watching the highlights. This meant we could wear our England kits to school. Creating our own lyrics to Three Lions. Writing our final independent write of the year!

W/C 28/06/21- Going swimming at the Olympic pool every day and playing water polo on Friday! Pip finishing Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- which he claimed is the worst book in the series! 

W/C 21/06/21- It was Sports Week this week, and we enjoyed taking part in all the different events and sport and even created our own dance routines! Wiggins won our hockey tournament to face Crow. Painting our dragon eyes. 

W/C 14/06/21- We started our new book for this half-term and have enjoyed what we have read of Beowulf so far. We liked sketching dragon eyes in art and have had lots of fun watching the highlights from Euro 2020 and filling in our wall chart. Charles, Ishmale and Lavell havehad the best starts with their teams winning both of their opening games.  

W/C 07/06/21- First week back from half-term. Starting to learn about Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxons. Picking our teams to support out of the hat for the Euros. We had to say goodbye to Umair who left to start his new school on Thursday. Everyone will dearly miss him.

W/C 24/05/21- Getting to shoot and edit our own films. It being the last week of half-term which unfortunately means we need to say bye to Aqeela who is leaving us to be with Year 3 on North site. We will all miss her very much. 

W/C 17/05/21 – We had our first go at the end of year 4 multiplication test. We enjoyed getting our gold stars for Walk to School Week. We wrote a diary entry about the day Bradley got punched in the eye! 

W/C 10/05/21- Children celebrating Eid. Learning about how we can express our emotions through Art. We enjoyed getting to dribble basketballs and some of us got to do PE with Crow class. 

W/C 03/05/21- How great we were with division. Getting to play hockey again with Coach George. 

W/C 26/04/21- Our talent show which allowed us to show off our amazing talents. These included magic, dancing and singing! Trip to Lloyd's Park to work on our orienteering skills. Subhan's amazing drawing. 

W/C 19/04/21- Our science experiment to see if sounds got louder or quiter depdening on if we were closer or further away. Designing adverts for our very own talent show! 

W/C 29/03/21- We had to say goodbye to Abdul this week as he was joining his new school after the Easter holiday. We will all miss Abdul. Our Georgia O'Keefe inspired artwork of flowers. Dancing to Jerusalema and wearing our Easter bonnets. Writing and reading our stories about being trapped on Mars. 

W/C 22/03/21- The maths coordinate games that we played to show how well we have understood coordinates this week. Writing our newspaper reports based on The Explorer. 

W/C 15/03/21- We enjoyed writing our independent writes on how to survive on Mars. Dressing up as superheroes for Red Nose Day and completing activities, including designing our own red noses and the excellent warm-up stretches in PE by Maja and Hussein.

W/C 08/03/21- We have a few highlights of the week this week. Ishmale wrote a great story called 'Cool gang and the evil wolverine'. We cooked astronout ice cream and we designed our biodomes using 3D software on the Chromebooks!

W/C 30/11/20- Our poetry performances were the highlight of this week! Hussein and Mia performed their poems with great expression and actions and Charles managed to memorise his poem in a really short space of time. We also had lots of fun creating our Egyptian god fact files. 

W/C 23/11/20- This week has been Literacy week and we focused on Harry Potter! We have had lots of highlights this week and lots of fun. We were sorted into our houses and we competed in a Quidditch tournament in PE! Ravenclaw finished 1st, Slytherin 2nd, Gryffindor 3rd and Hufflepuff 4th. The tournament was played in a good spirit and there were lots of close finishes and penalty shootouts! 


W/C 16/11/2020- Our investigation into if gas has weight and if you can make gas from a solid and a liquid. Hamza was an outstanding beater during our Quidditch session. There were some outstanding examples of passing and moving during our matches as well. 

W/C 09/11/2020- We played Quidditch for the first time and it was great fun! learning how to be chasers, beaters and seekers running after the golden snitch! The explanation texts on mummification that Moorhen wrote were excellent! 

W/C 02/11/2020- The Egyptian day was great fun and we mummified tomatoes, built pyramids out of spaghetti and marshmallows, created a timeline of Ancient Egypt and went on a virtual reality tour of the Great Pyramid of Giza and of the British Museum.

W/C 19/10/20- Our hockey tournament in PE was played in excellent spirit and the children really showed off the skills that they have developed over the course of the half term. It was great to see the manner they took part in and it was fun to watch! Our class reading time of 77 minutes and reaching over a million words for the year! 

W/C 12/10/20- Moorhen had 100% attendance this week! Well done everybody for being perfect with your attendance!  Maja for her excellent descriptive opening of her Iron Man narrative! 

W/C 05/10/20- Louis completing level 15 of the beep test. It was a great effort Louis! Well done! You showed great determination and worked out how to pace yourself through the lower levels.