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Sports week

We are all really excited about sports week and being able to wear our PE kits every day! We will be completing challenges every day so keep an eye out on this page for updates and pictures of our activities! 


So far, we have completed the long jump and the 50m sprint. Bella and Louis jumped the furthest and Louis and Fatima were the quickest over 50m. Bella jumped 1.65m and Louis 1.6m. Louis ran the 50m in 15.18 seconds and Fatima in 16.3 seconds. 



We ran 400m which was 8 times around the football pitch and threw the vortex as far as we could! 

Hakeem and Bella threw the furthest. Hakeem threw the vortex 17.4m and Bella 9.8m. Mia ran 400m in 1:59 minutes and Louis in 2:03 minutes.


We had a hockey tournament to see which House would represent us against Crow class on Friday! 


We had a lot of fun creating a dance routine and we also ran a mile which is 32 times around the football pitch!