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  • Mural design workshop 2023 - Walthamstow Town Centre Playground

    Year 5s had an exciting opportunity to be involved in the design of a mural at the Walthamstow Town Centre Playground (opposite the shopping centre).

    The project, which is being delivered by LBWF, Wood Street Walls and a local artist, allowed the children to be part of an inspiring and creative process which they can then visit with their families.

    'We did a workshop using straight lines when drawing different types of fruit. We did this so that we could help the artist Nick Terry, with some ideas to design the mural at the Walthamstow Central Park. It was great fun.' Majid 


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    'We drew objects on grid paper using free hand keyline drawing. If our ideas are creative they might be added to the mural in the park. I enjoyed drawing and colouring using graph paper. It was a new experience for me' - Paulina


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