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We promote high expectations of all, with effort and achievement praised and celebrated.

We use a theme based curriculum to ensure a fun and engaging curriculum for all, to motivate the children’s desire to learn. The curriculum is broad and balanced. We enrich the curriculum through a wide range of educational visits, and by drawing upon the local and wider community. We recognise that we are living in a technologically advancing world and our aim is to prepare the children adequately for this. Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in their children’s learning. We have many ways of utilising your skills and talents!

At Mission Grove we give the children as many firsthand experiences as possible.  We supplement the curriculum with specialist sports coaches, a french tutor and creative and expressive arts tutors.

 “The curriculum is interesting and engaging. It is enlivened by a wide range of stimulating visitors and trips.” OFSTED

We ensure teaching and learning of the highest quality.

At Mission Grove we understand that the biggest influence on a child’s education is the adults working with them. We feel in order to provide the world class education that our children deserve we must have world class teachers and support staff.

All of our staff develop their skills and seek training in order to help all children to achieve to their full potential.

We believe that children make maximum progress in learning due to good planning, high quality teaching, informative assessment and record keeping. We set targets, monitor and track pupil progress.

We provide regular feedback to let you know the progress and attainment made by your child. We have termly consultation evenings, an Annual Report and teachers are also available to discuss your child’s progress at the end of a school day or at an arranged meeting.

At Mission Grove we always strive to provide the best education we can for the children through a clear vision of where the school is going, which is implemented through a school development plan focussed on improving teaching and learning.

“Teachers’ obvious enjoyment of their jobs feeds through into lively and successful lessons.” OFSTED

Please see below two documents detailing how we deliver the National Curriculum requirements at Mission Grove. Further details can be found on individual subject pages and year group pages. If you want any further information please speak to your child's teacher or year group assistant head.